Cape Peninsula University of Technology Accommodation


Cape Peninsula University of Technology Accommodation

Student Life and Residential Services

CPUT Residence Department: What we’re all about

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Accommodation, We strive to accommodate at least 7 800 students each night in our comfortable and conducive CPUT residences throughout our academic period. After all, our students need a convenient place to lay their heads to rest after a tiring day. Within an almost universal feel to all our residences, we strive for better standards, comfort and security for the convenience of our students. We offer both single and sharing rooms, with communal facilities to create a pleasant family environment for students.

CPUT residences are open to both local and international students. Residence life is a holistic experience, where you become a member of a diverse and stimulating community. You’ll get to know some of the students you share classes with, and some of you will develop close, lifelong friendships.

You’ll also be exposed to many opportunities for personal development and learning ensuring that when you graduate, you not only leave us with a qualification, but the necessary life skills to excel in the outside world. The learning experiences we provide in residences can be grouped into three main areas:

  • academic support
  • social development
  • health and wellness

Our departmental role is to listen to our students, provide the best services we can, give assurance of safety during their academic experience and increase our capacity as a university.

We are CPUT, talk to us about residence life

Contact us

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Bellville Campus – Bellville and Athlone residences

Tel: +27 21 959 6334
Student Centre, 1st floor

Cape Town Campus – Cape Town, Wellington, Mowbray, and Granger Bay residences

Tel: +27 21 460 3871
Administration Building, 5th floor