Cape Peninsula University of Technology Vice Chancellor


Cape Peninsula University of Technology Vice Chancellor

img nevhutalu web2Profile of Dr Prins Nevhutalu

Cape Peninsula University of Technology Vice Chancellor, Dr Nevhutalu started his career as a lecturer in 1980 at the Department of Medical Sciences at the then University of the North, now renamed University of Limpopo. In 1993, he was appointed as the Executive Director at the Foundation for Research Development (now the National Research Foundation, NRF). In 2006, he was appointed as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for research, innovation and partnerships at Tshwane University of Technology. In 2013, he accepted a position of Deputy Vice-Chancellor for teaching and learning at the University of Zululand. In July 2013, he was appointed as the Vice-Chancellor at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology and took up the position in January 2014.

He holds a BSc, BSc Honours and a Master’s degree from the University of the North. He obtained his PhD in Biological Sciences from Northern Illinois University in the USA. He also spent a year as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of San Francisco as part of a programme funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Some of his contributions when he was at the NRF include the conceptualisation and development of the NRF Thuthuka Programme (a programme to develop research capacity for women and black researchers), the NRF/ Royal Society Programme (a programme designed to build research capacity at historically black universities) and the Scarce Skills Scholarship Programme. At the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) Dr Nevhutalu was instrumental in the strengthening of the French South Africa Technology Institute (FSATI) and major improvement in TUT’s research performance.

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Dr Nevhutalu currently serves as the Chairperson of the Board of the National Metrology Institute of South Africa (NMISA), Chairperson of Luna Mafhungo Nevhutalu Educational Trust, Chairperson of the DHET Research Evaluation Committee and Chairperson of the Council on Higher Education (CHE) Task team which is evaluating the impact of research in higher education in the last 20 years. His previous leadership positions include, amongst many others, Chairperson of the National Botanical Institute, Chairperson of the Agency for the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, and member of the Fort Hare Institute of Technology.

For his immense contribution in education and development, Dr Nevhutalu has been recognised in a variety of ways including the National Order of Merit “Order nationale du merit” by the French President in 2009 and the American Council of Education (ACE) fellowship in 2007. Dr Nevhutalu has published in scientific journals and presented papers at different scientific conferences.

In his spare time, he listens to reggae music and watches national and international soccer and cricket.