CPUT Postgraduate Admission Requirements

CPUT Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Postgraduate applications

First-time applicants and current CPUT postgraduate students

IMPORTANT: Prospective postgraduate students for full thesis studies must first identify a research topic and supervisor before applying.
Acceptance is dependent on a supervisor being available for a specific field of study – you should consult with the department before submitting your application.

Be sure to include the following information when communicating with the department.
• Student number (if known)
• Proposed Qualification
• Proposed field of Research
• Possible supervisor (if known)

For information on the fields/ areas of study and supervisors click here.

To start the Application process go to: http://www.cput.ac.za/study/apply

Admission requirements

Postgraduate Admission Requirements

Closing dates

M & D Full Research is 15 March 2024for both National and International applicants.

RETURNING higher degree (Master’s and Doctoral) and structured Master’s degree candidates must register by 6 March each year.

Guide to postgraduate studies

Find out more about postgraduate studies at CPUT on the Centre for Postgraduate Studies webpage.

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