The South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) is the oversight body of the NQF and the custodian of its values and quality character.
The role of SAQA, as stipulated in the NQF Act, is to advance the objectives of the NQF, oversee the further development and implementation of the NQF, and co-ordinate the Sub-Frameworks. SAQA’s functions are set out in section 13 of the NQF Act, which, in summary, mandates SAQA to:
- Oversee NQF implementation and collaborate with the Quality Councils
- Develop and implement NQF policies and criteria
- Register qualifications and part-qualifications on the NQF
- Recognise professional bodies and register professional designations
- Undertake research and collaborate with international counterparts
- Maintain the National Learners’ Records Database
- Provide an evaluation and advisory service with respect to foreign qualifications
- Inform the public about the NQF
- Provide advice to the Minister of Higher Education and Training
A world-class National Qualifications Framework that works for the people in South Africa.
To oversee the further development and implementation of the National Qualifications Framework, and advance its objectives which contribute to the full development of each lifelong learner and the social and economic development of the nation at large.
- Social and Economic Transformation
- Integration
- High Energy and Corporate Vibrancy
- Quality Service
- Integrity
- Quality Qualifications
- Environmental Sustainability