Diploma: Diploma In Chemical Engineering (Extended)

Diploma: Diploma In Chemical Engineering (Extended)

Diploma in Chemical Engineering (Extended)
(Phasing IN – replacing National Diploma: Chemical Engineering (Extended))

Course Information and Fees

The aim of the course is to provide excellent theoretical as well as practical chemical engineering knowledge and skills, relevant to the needs of the chemical industry and society at large. Graduates of this programme will have the competence to apply engineering skills to chemical engineering problems and plant operations.

The Extended Curriculum Programme (ECP) spreads the first year over two years (year Zero and year One) to give students additional support. In the second and third year the students join the Mainstream programme.

Purpose and Rationale of the qualification
This qualification is intended for process or chemical engineering technicians working in the process related industries. Learners achieving this qualification have the competence to apply existing process technology to chemical engineering problems in chemical processes and plant operations.


Career Opportunities
Graduates play an important role in process operations, management, research and development, as well as in environmental management. Employment is found in a wide range of industries including food processing, wine production, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, fertilisers, fuel technology, oil refining, minerals processing, chemical manufacturing, and synthetic fibres. Employment opportunities also exist in government and Higher Education institutions.


Admission requirements


For all Certificate, Diploma and National Diploma applications, consult the General admission requirements.

General admission requirements

Some courses require students to submit additional information as part of their application.

Additional admission requirements


For all Honours, Masters and Doctorate applications, consult the Postgraduate admission requirements.

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Postgraduate admission requirements

Professional Registration
The ND: Engineering: Chemical is accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). Graduates will comply with the academic requirements for registration as a Professional Technician.
Syllabus and fees

First Year ECP

In the Extended Curriculum with Foundational Provision Programme, first-year subjects of the Diploma are spread over two years (Year 0 and 1), allowing a more supportive academic environment.
Compulsory subject(s):

First Year

Will only be offered from 2024
Compulsory subject(s):
Semester 1 Only
Compulsory subject(s):
Semester 2 Only
Compulsory subject(s):

Second Year

Will only be offered from 2024

Third Year

Will only be offered from 2024
Semester 1 Only
Compulsory subject(s):
Semester 2 Only
Compulsory subject(s):
Offering Type and Duration
Full-Time / Four years


Course is offered on Bellville Campus.


For any queries get in touch with:


Contact: Ms Elizma Alberts
Telephone: +27 21 460 3657
Fax: +27 21 460 3706
Email: vanwyke@cput.ac.za


Contact: Ms Siyasanga Nqwazi
Telephone: +27 21 959 6083
Fax: +27 21 959 6118
Email: nqwazis@cput.ac.za

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