Nsfas Login

Nsfas account login

Nsfas account login

NSFAS is a government entity under the Department of Higher Education and Training established according to the NSFAS Act (Act 56 of 1999) to provide financial support to disadvantaged students who wish to further their studies at public universities or TVET colleges.

How To Log In To MyNSFAS Account?

Here is how you can create your myNSFAS account:

  • Go to www.nsfas.org.za and click on “myNsfas account“.
  • Enter your username and password. The username is usually your email address.
  • Click on the “My personal details” tab.
  • Update your cellphone number and/or email address to your current one.
  • Click “Update your details” to proceed.
  • A Time Pin (OTP) will be sent to the new number and email address that you have provided.
  • Enter the OTP and click submit.
  • Your details will immediately be updated.

If you’re an applicant with an existing account, you can sign in using your usernames and password or Facebook and Google accounts.

What To Do If You Forget Your NSFAS Password

If you’re an NSFAS-funded student and you’ve forgotten your NSFAS password, keep reading to find out how to retrieve it.

If you have forgotten your NSFAS password, follow these easy steps to retrieve it:

  • Go to the myNSFAS student portal.
  • Click on Forgot your password? Click here
  • Enter your ID number.
  • Click on I can’t remember my password. Then click on SUBMIT.

More Information On Nsfas

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Once you have completed these four steps, then your password will be sent to your registered cellphone number and e-mail address.

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It is thus very important that you have access to the cellphone number that you provided to NSFAS when applying for funding.

If your contact details have changed then you may update your cellphone number by registering on myNSFAS with your Facebook or Google account and then updating the number. This number must be accessible by you at all times


  1. Go to www.nsfas.org.za.
  2. Click on the “myNSFAS” tab.
  3. Click on “Register”
  4. Tick the box to allow NSFAS to verify your details.
  5. Then enter your ID number on the field as it is stated on your ID document.
  6. Type in your full names and surname as per your ID number.
  7. Type in your current email address.
  8. Create a password
  9. Click on apply Tab

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