BEd: Senior Phase & Fet Teaching

BEd: Senior Phase & Fet Teaching

Course Information and Fees

Admission requirements


For all Certificate, Diploma and National Diploma applications, consult the General admission requirements.

General admission requirements

Some courses require students to submit additional information as part of their application.

Additional admission requirements


For all Honours, Masters and Doctorate applications, consult the Postgraduate admission requirements.

Postgraduate admission requirements

Syllabus and fees
Compulsory subject(s):
Select one of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 2):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 3):
All compulsory (only Mowbray campus)
All compulsory (only Wellington campus)
Compulsory subject(s):
Select one of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select one of the following set of electives (set 2):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 2):
Compulsory subject(s):
Select one of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 1):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 2):
Compulsory subject(s):
Select two of the following set of electives (set 1):
People Are Reading:  CPUT Health & Wellness Sciences Courses
Select two of the following set of electives (set 2):

Please note:
Within their relative Elective sets, please choose between the following:

Year 1

– Economic & Management Sciences 1 OR Economic and Management Sciences (Accounting) 1
– Mathematics 1 OR Mathematical Literacy 1
– Curriculum Studies: Economic & Management Sciences 1 OR Curriculum Studies: Economic & Management Sciences (Accounting) 1
-Curriculum Studies: Mathematics 1 OR Cuiculum Studies: Mathematical Literacy 1

Year 2

– Economic and Management Sciences 2 OR Economic and Management Sciences (Accounting) 2
– Mathematics 2 OR Mathematical Literacy 2
– Curriculum Studies: Economic & Management Sciences 2 OR Curriculum Studies: Economic & Management Sciences (Accounting) 2
-Curriculum Studies: Mathematics 2 OR Cuiculum Studies: Mathematical Literacy 2

Year 3

– Mathematics 3 OR Mathematical Literacy 3
-Curriculum Studies: Mathematics 3 OR Cuiculum Studies: Mathematical Literacy 3


Offering Type and Duration
Full-Time /


Course is offered on Mowbray Campus.


Course is offered on Wellington Campus.


For any queries get in touch with:
Contact: Mr N Kashe
Telephone: +27 21 8645221
Contact: Mr R Williams
Telephone: +27 21 9596577
Fax: 0867780390
Contact: Prof Lungi Sosibo
Telephone: +27 21 6801503

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